Monday, February 15, 2010

Beyond the "simple" meaning of tradition

The word tradition comes from the Latin word,"traditio" which means handing over, passing on. The meaning of tradition is used throughout the three essays, "No Name Woman," written by Maxine Hong Kingston, "The Moral Obligations in a Democratic Society," by Cornell West, and Kofi Annan's, "Nobel Lecture." Whether it's the traditions in Chinese culture, a democratic society, or the values that are discussed in Annan's essay, somehow the simple word "tradition" goes beyond its simple meaning. These three essays express the values and beliefs that are important in society in the past and in the present.

TSIn the short essay, "No Name Woman," written by Maxine Hong Kingston the Chinese tradition and beliefs are clearly expressed.SD When humiliated and betrayed in what they believe in consequences are put forth. CM When Kingston's aunt was impregnated by a man other then her husband, the people of the village ransacked the home where she was living smearing blood on the walls and loosening spirits through the air. CM Shunned by the actions that took place, her aunt had the baby and was later found dead in a well. SD In society, tradition is pressured upon you. CM The family decided that in their sense of duty in honoring their culture, that she shall be forgotten almost like she never existed. CM Kingston mentions,"a family must be whole." Clearly her aunts infidelity harmed the traditional aspects of her culture , and a family that was once whole is now broken.

TS The reoccurring theme about tradition is also mentioned in Cornell West"s argument, "The Moral Obligations in a Democratic Society."SD West's essay mentions, "whether the tradition of struggle can be preserved and expanded." CM He believes that we are experiencing cultural decay in values that society is no longer possessing. CM Society today is dealing with the struggle of ones values and how they are excepted. CM Traditionally the struggle for decency and respect for one other is fought for, similar to the struggle Kingston's aunt dealt with. SD West focuses on the traditional struggle African American cultures deal with everyday.CM He mentions "that being black in an American society is a problem."CM Some view African Americans differently, by attacking the way the look, darker skin, wrong nose, their lifestyles, and their values. CSIn other words Cornell argues the issue, over the struggle for tradition and respect in a democratic society.

TS Kofi Annan recognizes the underlying meaning of tradition in his speech, "Nobel Lecture." Kofi explains that in every tradition you can find the tolerance for understanding ones values. He mentions a little girl who was born in Afghanistan. She was brought into a culture that doesn't have respect for what they believe in, and has to live in conditions that are thought of as being,"inhuman." He wants people to recognize what she has to go through. This can relate to the aunt in Kingstons essay, when what they believed in was violated, and that she didn't have pride in her traditions. We can thrive on our own traditions yet learn from others teachings. Its relevant to the way society is today. We live in multi-cultural society where we can learn from one another and share our backgrounds. He declares the fact that we should take pride and respect our own heritage and values.

In conclusion tradition is a broad topic that can range from the cultural aspect to the traditional struggles that are dealt with everyday in the American democracy. In each of the three essays the theme of tradition is relevant throughout them. Maxine Hong Kingston explains the traditions her heritage takes pride in were disrespected, while Cornell West and Kofi Annan both relate deeper to the struggles with tradition. Each of the authors are implying to the readers that certain issues in cultures should be "passed on," and recognized down the road.